The Hospice

Our History

In 2018, Jasine Leslie, Registered Nurse and Founder, in her working capacity transferred “Sally” a palliative care patient to hospital via ambulance where she died 48 hours later in short stay, not even making it to a bed on a ward.

She was devastated that there was nowhere that she could send Sally in her final hours.

Flowers that “Sally’s” husband sent initiated the journey to establish the region’s first not-for-profit Hospice.

Jasine gathered together a group of like-minded locals with the same vision and focus who wanted to be able to provide a fee-free inpatient palliative care facility for people with a terminal illness on the Fraser Coast.

Through successful networking and engagement, federal government funding was received to cover the costs of the building with Fraser Coast Regional Council providing the land on a peppercorn lease.

Following extensive community consultation and support, Fraser Coast Hospice received the first client into their care on 27th October 2021.

To See our Profile of Directors, click here.

Fraser Coast Regional Council, MP Keith Pitt (far left) and Mayor George Seymour (far right) with Founder Jasine Leslie (centre) & the building committee.
Sally's flowers

Vision, Mission, Values & Key Services

Vision Statement:  Every adult has access to dignified palliative care.

Mission: Support adults in our care and their families through end-of-life care and bereavement.


  • Respect – we value and respect all those in our care and each other.
  • Compassion – all people have the right to be treated with dignity and honour.
  • Inclusive – Our services are available to all members of the community.

Key Services:

  • Symptom control
  • End of life care
  • Respite care
  • Bereavement support